Aviation Fuels
Aviation Fuels

Jet Fuel and AVGAS
We distribute Jet Fuel and AVGAS that meets all
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) requirements to the following:
- Phillips 66 Branded FBO’s
- Independent FBOs
- Flight Departments (Base Fuel)
- Flight Schools
- Aircraft & Engine Manufacturers
- Our jet fuel meets the industry standards for commercial aviation
Bobtail services available

The Phillips 66® line of aviation lubricants is designed to exceed your expectations with premium single and multiviscosity engine oils and the highest quality hydraulic fluids. Approved by the FAA and leading engine manufacturers around the world, the Phillips 66 line of aviation lubricants offers everything your aircraft needs from break-in to TBO.
- Single source for piston engine oils and hydraulic fluids
- High-performance properties for extremes from Alaska to the tropics
- Protective additive packages that exceed industry specifications
- Phillips 66 X/C® can be used from break-in to TBO
- Compatible with other brands
Cell Number: 580-774-9265
Office Number: 580-375-0242